Is embalming required?
NO. It is not required for either cremation or for burial. Funeral homes may have “policies” requiring embalming for viewings or funerals with the body present, but there are no laws requiring this. Funeral homes may urge embalming if burial is delayed, but refrigeration is a viable alternative. Cremation and Immediate Burial are two choices funeral homes must provide without embalming.
What are the requirements for caskets & vaults and what are good choices?
NO government requirements. Cemeteries often require an outer container to make grounds care easy.
NO casket or vault preserves and protects the deceased; body deterioration and earth seepage are inevitable.
Choices depend on philosophy, finances and taste. Many prefer the simplest, most environmentally friendly, and least costly options.
Can’t most of us make our own decisions on health care as we near the end of life?
NO. At that stage, physical, mental or cognitive issues make these decisions very difficult. Information, thoughtful planning, periodic conversations with kin and doctors, updated Advanced Directives, and an advocate are essential.
What printed material must a funeral home or cremation service provide?
PRICES, PRICES, PRICES. Visitors must receive a printed General Price List of all goods and services offered and printed prices of caskets, alternate containers, vaults and grave liners